- Team Flag
- Service-Learning Discussion/Analysis
- Cell Updates (Fund-raising, Local CIP, Design, Admin, Marketing)
- Cell Discussion
Participants met up at 7:30pm at Cinnamon College Amphitheater. Besides facilitation, a concurrent fund-raising was also conducted at the Chua Tian Poh Hall as there was an ongoing even - Quidditch Inter-House Championship.
Team Flag;
Participants were told to consider what they discussed last week for their Vision and Mission, and to translate it into a pictorial/visual form. This was the final Team Flag:
- "Happy" and the "Heart" was drawn in the form of an Electrocardiogram (ECG) diagram. Signifies that to be happy comes from serving with a heart - (Mission: To Serve With A Genuine Heart Through Actions)
- Book - (Vision) To Learn
- Hands and Heart - (Vision) To Serve ; (Mission) To appreciate the essence of community service and embrace the Vietnamese culture.
- Light Bulb - (Vision) To Inspire; (Mission) To enrich them with knowledge and skill to grow confidently and achieve their dreams.
Participants were asked what does "Service Learning" mean to them, and to gauge the project by questioning if the project involves "More Service, Less Learning", "Only Service", "Less Service More Learning" and "Only Learning". The room was split into quadrants, with each quadrant representing an option and the participants were tasked to move to the quadrant that best represent their idea of "Service Learning" and their impression of the project. A wide range of answers were observed and participants were asked to explain "Why So?".
Participants were then probed with questions that challenge their idea/mindset/perspective of Service Learning and Community Involvement Projects. (E.g. "Does poverty means a lack of material possession", "My good intentions will materialize itself regardless of the means of help"). Co-leaders shared their experiences from the previous NVVN trip and got the participants to think about their actions and the project itself.
Hope everyone had an interesting facilitation session today!
NVVN`2012 Co-Leaders
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